Method that makes a POST request to
A List of Video objects matching the given parameters.
Allowed Fields
Usage Example
HolodexClient holodexClient = new HolodexClient("HOLODEX_API_KEY");
ObjectMapper objectMapper = JsonMapper.builder()
.addModule(new JavaTimeModule())
PostQueryParameters postQueryParameters = new PostQueryParameters();
postQueryParameters.setComment(new String[]{"suisei"});
List<Video> videos = holodexClient.searchCommentsVideos(postQueryParameters);
Result Example
[ {
"id" : "wvrMh6Dizek",
"title" : "≪Idol Showdown≫ button mash strat",
"type" : "stream",
"published_at" : "2023-05-06T14:03:40.000Z",
"available_at" : "2023-05-07T02:10:05.000Z",
"duration" : 10873,
"status" : "past",
"live_viewers" : 0,
"songcount" : 0,
"channel" : {
"id" : "UCgmPnx-EEeOrZSg5Tiw7ZRQ",
"name" : "Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN",
"english_name" : "Hakos Baelz",
"type" : "vtuber",
"photo" : "",
"inactive" : false
"comments" : [ {
"comment_key" : "Ugx6jIARbO5wZYAPNWR4AaABAg",
"message" : "*[TIMESTAMPS]*\n\n1:14:51 *What???*\n1:28:23 *First Set win!!*\n2:58:46 *I just want a hug*\n\n-----\n\n3:50 Start / \n4:33 Feeling like a granny today / Exhausted rat\n6:44 Curious about Idol Showdown / Fighting game expectations\n\n8:30 Game START \n11:20 Tutorial \n22:55 Different costumes!\n25:27 Training / Suisei\n30:48 *Marine call-in*\n34:45 *Suisei's Ultra + Aquamarine / Playing with Dpad*\n\n├40:24 *Arcade / Suisei+Marine*\n├42:54 Arcade (2) / Suisei+Marine\n48:06 Virtual Frontier tutorial\n├50:21 Virtual Frontier (1) / Suisei+Marine\n50:56 *Smol Rat / Starting items*\n53:20 Marriage certificate\n55:21 Oga in chat! / Vesper scenario\n57:08 *Mumei's store*\n58:03 *Marrying Nene / Bar Robel*\n1:00:43 Panik rat noises / F\n1:01:32 Collection / Ollie VA!\n\n*Online Games*\n├1:03:23 Game 1 / Xross\n1:05:16 Not fair! 300 ping!\n1:08:26 Stomach grumbling\n├1:09:03 Game 2 / Esfi\n1:09:58 *1st W!*\n├1:11:52 Game 3 / SaltyTaro / Wrong character!\n1:14:51 *What???*\n├1:15:53 Game 4 / Denubis\n├1:19:19 Game 5 / 草面\n├1:22:43 Game 6 / bruv\n├1:26:23 Game 7 / Burrito\n1:28:33 *First Set win!!*\n├1:30:41 Game 8 / geaf150\n1:32:07 Aquamarine worked!\n└1:33:14 Game 9 / saltedbread\n\n├1:35:53 Virtual Frontier (2)\n├1:42:11 Virtual Frontier (3)\n1:44:34 Towa!!\n├1:50:07 Virtual Frontier (4)\n1:57:17 Timeout / Robbed\n1:58:16 *\"I just remembered I have no friends\"*\n└1:58:36 Virtual Frontier (5)\n2:00:27 Squeak\n2:05:18 *Stage 2*\n2:08:58 Zoomin level! / Therapy with Kronii\n2:11:43 *Nyooo / F*\n2:12:15 Organizing an Idol Showdown tournament? / END\n\n2:13:13 116\n2:16:37 *Stretching*\n2:17:06 Becoming a better gamer / GOI \"chuuni\" exam\n2:18:25 SC Reading\n2:18:46 Reason for not streaming the Mario POV\n2:20:11 Fauna / IRyS\n2:25:31 Feeling blessed with Team F\n\n2:27:49 CouncilRyS RPG next week!\n2:28:26 Playing Death Stranding?\n2:31:40 *Message from the devs!*\n2:33:41 Thoughts on trying to host a Showdown event\n2:36:09 Goose's capabilities / Mario Maker stream setup\n2:40:38 *Eigo jouzu / Like your phone at 10% battery*\n2:41:54 Squeak\n\n2:42:17 New schedule later / Only 4 streams next week\n2:45:29 Playing Persona tomorrow / Streaming backlog\n2:49:42 Checking out future stream ideas / SC reading backlog grows!\n2:52:54 Forgot to do laundry / Trying to get out of it\n2:56:08 *Shilltaro YEAH!!*\n2:57:52 Panik rat sounds / Eye rubbing\n2:58:46 *I just want a hug*\n2:59:42 "
} ]
}, {
"id" : "sFK2nF9crQE",
"title" : "【Idol Showdown】Sweaty Idol Fights",
"type" : "stream",
"published_at" : "2023-05-06T15:22:16.000Z",
"available_at" : "2023-05-07T00:03:34.000Z",
"duration" : 14952,
"status" : "past",
"live_viewers" : 0,
"songcount" : 0,
"channel" : {
"id" : "UC8rcEBzJSleTkf_-agPM20g",
"name" : "IRyS Ch. hololive-EN",
"english_name" : "IRyS",
"type" : "vtuber",
"photo" : "",
"inactive" : false
"comments" : [ {
"comment_key" : "Ugys2rGmU-GIm7vkI9J4AaABAg",
"message" : "*TIMESTAMPS* *P1* (Start: 5:11 / End: 4:06:52)\r\n————————— (WIP)\n*[T*rdRyS]*\r\n1:42:10 “I feel like a piece of T*rd on the road..\"\r\n1:45:46 \"Sorry.. I'm just a mere Piece of *T*rd* on the road..\"\r\n1:52:23 “I am a piece of *t*rd* on the road that can pick itself up inside a plastic bag..\"\r\n1:52:49 *T*rd* on the road -> *T*rd* in the trash \r\n1:53:15 “I'm an inoffensive Piece of *T*rd* now\"\r\n2:02:21 “I gotta stop saying *T*rd…* I gotta make another example of what I could be if I was reborn in another world\"\r\n2:02:53 “Just say the normal word? *P00P?\"* \r\n2:09:45 PitiedRyS /“You guys want me to feel like a piece of *P00P* on the Road again..\"\n\n*[TrophyRyS]*\n6:01 IRyS Shows off her HUGE Trophy! \r\n7:13 The Yabai Animation of the trophy..\r\n1:31:01 \"I have this Carrot.. Trophy.. \" / RIP English\r\n3:09:59 Humongous! It's all worth it Because she's Got *The* *Trophy!\"*\r\n3:10:28 IRyS Isn't a huge *Carrot* Fan \r\n3:25:41 IRyS' Eyes Grew humongous when she first saw The trophy… “why does it move?!\"\n3:41:35 *YabaiRyS:* There's no way they thought of this design with a seiso mind\"\r\n3:52:26 “This Trophy will show in my Dreams every night\"\n\n*[YabaiRyS]* \n38:05 *YabaiRyS:* \"Sora senpais Moan~ It's so s*xy!\"\r\n57:33 *YabaiRyS:* \"Even in pixel form her chest looked..\"\r\n3:10:54 *_Sensitive _* *YabaIryS:* \r\n3:44:40 *ASMR* *VoiceRyS* / 3:45:30 *YabaiRyS* Doesn't want to sound seiso \n\n*[Botan* *Is* *OP]*\r\n1:37:14 “Oh god… I'm gonna be juggled..\"\r\n1:40:12 “I Knew it was going to be Botan, or Suisei..\"\r\n1:44:18 “Please don't' get stuck in whatever that is!\" \r\n2:03:24 “How do you protect yourself from the Combo? \r\n2:05:06 “Finally! I hear Botan's *GUH!\"*\r\n2:05:45 Defeated by Botan's Ultimate \r\n2:07:11 “I don't want to see another Ever Botan again…\"\r\n2:14:48 *JinxRyS:* ‘If It's not a Suisei or a Botan i actually have a chance\" / 2:15:21 “oh of course it is..\"\r\n2:22:08 *VICTORY!* “I Beat a Botan lets go!\"\r\n2:37:56 *First* *Time* *using* *Botan:* “She's so broken!\"\r\n2:55:16 \"And since it's the last I want to win. Even if I use cheese\"\r\n2:55:31 *Botan* *VS* *Botan* “Oh God, they're using Cheese too!\"\r\n2:56:10 *“Run!* *Run!* *Run* *IRyS* *Run!* *If* *you* *can* *run!* *if* *you* *can* *run!* *Try* *to* *run* *please!* *Try* *to* *run* *IRyS!* *Run!\"*\r\n2:57:04 Botan's Ultimate.. \n\n*[IRySoHappy* *To* *make* *you* *Rage* *Quit]*\r\n1:54:40-1:55:00 “DId they *Rage* *quit?!* YEAHH!\"\r\n1:57:43 “I can take her! I can make someone rage quit! I can do anything!\"\r\n2:08:25 *Disconnect* “I don't know if that was a rage quit or a cancel..\"\r\n2:33:40 *IRyS* *accidentally* *leaves* (\"Just take it as a rage quit\")\r\n3:16:38 \"Oh you're The Rage Quitter! Thank you so much\"' \r\n3:50:31 IRyS is SO happy she made someone Rage Quit \n\n*[PingRyS]*\n1:35:28 “It was the ping!\" \r\n2:09:18 “I want Shiitake'er Ping\"\r\n2:19:08 \"I love unstable connection.. Unstable connection is my blood and my life\" \r\n2:46:51 “Let's go ping! Gotta love the ping!\"\n\n*[GGRyS]*\r\n2:42:58 “GG! I'm such a horrible person for not saying GG until now\" \r\n2:46:12 “GG! I want to show I am growing as a person and a fighter\"\r\n2:51:46 “GG\"\n\n\r*[ProRyS'* *8* *Online* *Wins!]*\r\n1:50:57-1:52:04 *MATCH* *7:* *Ayame* *VS* *Ayame*\r\n*VS:* (CommonKirinuker)\r\n1:56:58-1:58:22 *MATCH* *9:* *Ayame* *VS* *Aki*\r\n*VS:* (=])\r\n2:10:18-2:11:34 *MATCH* *13:* *Ayame* *VS* *Sora*\r\n *VS:* (Ghost Mana)\r\n2:13:05-2:14:24 *MATCH* *14:* *Ayame* *VS* *Fubuki*\r\n *VS:* (busukxuan)\r\n2:19:37-2:22:08 *MATCH* *16:* *Ayame* *VS* *Botan*\r\n*VS:* (geaf150)\r\n2:27:25-2:28:24 *MATCH* *17* *Botan* *VS* *Suisei*\r\n*VS:* (Shinn)\r\n2:37:48-2:38:58 *MATCH* *19* *Botan* *VS* *Ayame*\r\n*VS:* (Satoshi Oda) \r\n2:58:15-3:00:21 *MATCH* *26* *Ayame* *VS* *Korone* *(Okayu)]*\r\n*VS:* (NEMO LEE) \n\r\n*[SECTIONS]*\r\n8:06 *TRAINING*\r\n29:22 *ARCADE* \r\n41:20 *VIRTUAL* *FRONTIER* \r\n1:21:03 *VS* *AI* *(EASY)*\r\n1:27:11 *ONLINE* *BATTLES* \r\n—————————\r\nFull Timestamps in the Replies \r\n—————————\r\nThanks for the stream IRyS!"
} ]
Last updated