HolodexWrapper Documentation
A Java wrapper for the Holodex API developed with Java 11.
This project is heavily inspired by Holodex.NET, you could even interpret it as an almost 1:1 translation of it.
Support for all the currently available GET and POST endpoints.
Objects to easily customize your requests.
All request parameters are included as constants (+70 VTuber groups and organizations).
dotenv-java 2.3.2
unirest-java 1.4.9
lombok 1.18.26
junit-jupiter-engine 5.9.3
jackson-databind 2.15.0
jackson-datatype-jdk8 2.14.2
jackson-datatype-jsr318 2.15.0
Getting Started
Generate your API key (follow the guide at the official Holodex API documentation).
Add the dependency to your project.
Last updated