Method that makes a GET request to{videoId}
videoId is required to use this method.
A Video object matching the given parameters.
The video's ID
Flag that indicates whether or not to append timestamp comments for this video. Allowed values: 0 and 1.
Array of language codes to filter channels/clips. Official streams don't follow this parameter.
Usage Example
HolodexClient holodexClient = new HolodexClient("HOLODEX_API_KEY");
ObjectMapper objectMapper = JsonMapper.builder()
.addModule(new JavaTimeModule())
Video video = holodexClient.getVideoMetadata("Puyd1d445IM", 1,
new String[]{Language.EN, Language.ES});
Result Example
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"title" : "【SUPER MARIO MAKER 2】 Kirin plays impossible Mario levels to try to get good in 2 days (Day 1)",
"type" : "stream",
"topic_id" : "Mario_Maker",
"published_at" : "2023-05-05T04:08:48.000Z",
"available_at" : "2023-05-04T22:00:08.000Z",
"duration" : 17509,
"status" : "past",
"start_scheduled" : "2023-05-04T22:00:00.000Z",
"start_actual" : "2023-05-04T22:00:08.000Z",
"end_actual" : "2023-05-05T02:51:51.000Z",
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"description" : "TOURNAMENT PRACTICE TEAM B LET'S GO\n\n✿ Artist Credits ✿\nThumbnail:\nThank you so much!! 💚\n\nNintendo properties used in this video and livestream are used with permission and under license by Nintendo Co., Ltd.\n\n✿ Hashtags ✿\nLIVE: #faunline ART: #FineFaunart\n\n✿ Twitter ✿\n\n@ceresfauna\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n 【Tsukumo Sana】\n[YouTube]\n[Twitter]\n\n 【Ouro Kronii】\n[YouTube]\n[Twitter]\n\n 【Nanashi Mumei】\n[YouTube]\n[Twitter]\n\n 【Hakos Baelz】\n[YouTube]\n[Twitter]\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n【 FauForest Rules! 】\n\n► Be kind and respectful to everyone here! Don’t spam or troll.\n► If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. \n► Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations.\n► Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first.\n► Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat.\n► Try your best not to backseat. I like to enjoy games at my own pace, and I think part of the fun is watching me struggle, so please refrain from offering advice unless I specifically ask for help!\n\nAs long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n【CREDITS】\nStream Layouts: Melonturtle (\nLogo: ごごん (\nCustom BGM: Arkhand (\nEmotes: Maerie (\nStinger Transition: UWU Media (\nBirthday Stream Background: reNPC (\nBedroom Stream Background: 7MC (\nStarting/Ending Screen: Shieriru (\n\n使用BGM \n□DOVA-SYNDROME \nHP:\nLicense :\n□AUDIOSTOCK\nHP:\nLicense :\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n[Fan Work Guidelines]\n\n\nRequest from hololive Production to underage viewers:\nPlease be sure to check the link below before viewing our content.\n\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n[Official Online Shop]\n\n\n[Holoschedule] (Check all members streaming schedules)\n\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n[Hololive Production]\n・Hololive English YouTube Channel:\n・Hololive Production Official Twitter:\n・Hololive English Official Twitter:\n・Hololive English Official Reddit:\n\n༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺\n\n#holoCouncil\n#hololiveEnglish",
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"title" : "線下連動(? Fauna和Kronii一起去玩了!【Ceres Fauna】【hololive-EN】【中英字幕】",
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"comments" : [ {
"comment_key" : "UgyDOj-Pz-10VApnTYl4AaABAg",
"message" : "4:31:01 you're welcome. \n\n....I'm so sorry Fauna...someone had to do it! "
}, {
"comment_key" : "UgzFA28_RcU458HMdqB4AaABAg",
"message" : "1:33:50 ok that was straight-up bull@#$&$#. I'm writing a stern letter to Mr. Nintendo himself. (My uncle works for him)"
}, {
"comment_key" : "UgwUhN69menSQeiE01V4AaABAg",
"message" : "4:31:00 mmmmmmhmmmmm, yes"
}, {
"comment_key" : "UgwThi483eNLr7td6Kt4AaABAg",
"message" : "1:32:39 Pizza rapping Fauna. I've noticed Holo talents always get a gamer buff when they sing some sort of song when they play."
}, {
"comment_key" : "Ugy2uSFPnb-7t61EX4B4AaABAg",
"message" : "1:47 Konfauna"
}, {
"comment_key" : "Ugw9axHg81nTQOFJSVJ4AaABAg",
"message" : "1:45 stream start :)"
}, {
"comment_key" : "Ugw1xJvGJQ8XWh0Fbd54AaABAg",
"message" : "Clear rate of \"Switchy Sands\" map,\n\nBefore Fauna: 0.45% (48/10652) 1:50:41\nAfter Fauna: 0.39% (49/12270) 4:20:40\n\nMeaning, 1,618 attempts during the time Fauna was playing but there was also 1 successful clear during that time so not all the attempts were from only Fauna."
}, {
"comment_key" : "Ugw_RiGXwwMe_O9gRsJ4AaABAg",
"message" : "4:31:00 *Rare Fauna Snort TSKR!!!*"
}, {
"comment_key" : "UgzK22QaITtCOZnuvRF4AaABAg",
"message" : "4:25:58 to 4:26:42 - I have to tell you, Fauna, hearing you talk about watching Jon's _Kaizo_ videos and getting into Let's Plays because of that on stream kind of puts a smile on my face, since those videos were the first of his that I've watched when I was a kid. It's also kind of funny in a strange way that Jon is forever attached to _Kaizo_ all these years later...and all because he just wanted to see someone eat a hat...and very coincidental that those videos sort of led to you wanting to be a streamer now since Jon currently is active as a full-time Twitch streamer. (Coincidentally, he also likes interacting with chat, same as you.)\n\nHe still does Let's Plays, mostly with his collab group The Runaway Guys, and he's since done a lot of good things, including an annual charity event he does with his fellow content-creating friends for Direct Relief since 2018, TRG has their own game show panel, Thrown Controllers, which got back into gear this year, this year marked 16 years since he started doing content on the internet, and I could go on but I'll just stop right there. Oh, and he also runs two podcasts - both with friends, one that's weekly and one that's monthly."
}, {
"comment_key" : "UgyIzb-ZNOsjjeXZ1mN4AaABAg",
"message" : "45:10 toad fauna"
} ]
Last updated